The Prakruti section of the quiz is an inquiry into the proportion of each of the three principles—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—within your unique mind-body constitution. Your score in this section reflects your basic nature. These characteristics tend to change slowly over your lifetime.
Prakruti is your individual constitution, determined at conception.
Your Prakruti is made up of all three doshas, but typically one or two predominate.
The principle (vata, pitta or kapha) that received the highest score in the Prakruti section is the most predominant force in your overall mind-body make-up. The principle that received the next highest score is the secondary force in your constitution. The lowest scoring principle, while still an active force in your mind-body physiology, is the least dominant in your particular constitution.
The Vikruti section of the quiz provides a snapshot of your current mind-body state.
This is your Vikruti, or current state of balance and imbalance.
It is influenced by your experiences and choices.
In the Vikruti section, the mind principle (dosha) with the highest points is the one primarily governing your mind and emotions at this time. The body principle (dosha) that scored the highest points is the one primarily governing your body at this time.
This means that you will want to focus on balancing the dosha that has the highest mind score, as well as the dosha that has the highest body score. With continued engagement of our programs, you will learn we use the sense of sight, sound, and smell to balance the mind. And we use the sense of taste and touch to balance the body.
Meditation is also a powerful tool for balancing the mind, no matter which dosha is out of balance. Start your meditation practice, now. Engage with us through meditation: Access our recorded meditations here.
Food has a powerful influence over our body. Reach out to our educator if you are interested in taking our How to Achieve Healthy Digestion through Expanded Awareness program:
Learn more about this lifestyle program here.
Credit: Chopra - Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Certification Program Teacher's Handbook.